Regardless of the various types of tourism that exist today, this industry generates the movement and economic revival of the place where it is developed, thus, all countries generate jobs, infrastructure works, gastronomic and hotel developments, transport growth, etc. . so it is very important to take care of each country to develop this branch.
Statistics say that in 1950 25 million international tourists were registered and in 2014 it increased to 1,133 million, with this we can realize the great growth that tourism grants to the economic sector of a community, business and socioeconomic progress.

According to the World Tourism Organization, today, the volume of this exercise is equal to or greater than that of exports of oil, food products or automobiles; and 1 in 11 workers collaborate in sectors related to tourism either directly or indirectly.
The riad marrakech tourism is also a key aspect in promoting a country to improve the reputation and positioning, promoting all its strengths as culture, sports, business, historical destinations, events, education, investment, etc., and so we can give to the world incentives to visit or invest.
Without taking away the importance and leaving aside the figures or business aspects, tourism is also important in people's lives because visiting new tourist places or working on them, totally changes our perception of things, we appreciate life, the people, values, but above all it makes us happy, grow, rediscover and interact in realities different from ours. Tourism is not just an industry, it is a way of life. Do you dare to live it?